Why do we use Blade?

Arlind Musliu Portrait
Arlind Musliu

May 23, 2020 · 4 min read · 123 views

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Blade is an exceptional templating engine offered by Laravel, one of the most widely-used PHP frameworks in the web development world. While the market is saturated with various PHP templating engines like Twig, Smarty, Dwoo, Volt, Plates, Mustache, and Latte, Blade distinguishes itself with its seamless integration of pure PHP code within its templating directives. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the advantages of Blade, particularly its synergy with Jigsaw, to craft dynamic static sites that stand out.

A Game-Changer for Front-End Development

Blade revolutionizes the way developers handle front-end functionality. For those with experience in crafting websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Blade's approach to templating is a breath of fresh air. It streamlines development processes with its intelligent features and enhances productivity.

Imagine tackling the common challenge of maintaining a consistent menu across multiple pages. Traditional methods would require manual updates to each individual page, a tedious and error-prone process. Blade offers a more elegant solution through its use of 'partials'.

Supercharging Blade with Livewire

For those looking to supercharge their Blade templates, Laravel Livewire is a companion package that allows you to write dynamic components with ease. Livewire transforms Blade components into rich, interactive elements without the need for a full JavaScript framework like Vue.js or React.

Understanding Blade Templates

Blade templates are more than just a convenience; they are a game-changer in Laravel development. With the release of PHP 8.3, Laravel Forge servers are ready to provision and take advantage of the latest PHP features, ensuring that your Blade templates run on the cutting edge of web technology.

The Power of Partials Explained

Partials are reusable code snippets that you define once and can easily include across your web application. By creating a 'menu partial', for instance, this element can be efficiently inserted into any page requiring a menu with a single line of code. The same principle applies to footers, sidebars, or any other repetitive sections. Blade empowers developers to build a master layout containing the fundamental components, which can then be effortlessly extended in new pages, ensuring consistency and saving precious time.

Simplifying PHP with Blade's Directives

Blade's true strength lies in its capacity to simplify the inclusion of PHP within your templates. Displaying a variable or array from a previous URL is as simple as writing {{ $my_variable }} in your Blade file, and the engine takes care of the rest.

Blade's @foreach directive is a prime example of its power, enabling the straightforward inclusion of HTML and PHP variables within loops, which can be neatly closed with @endforeach. This feature is invaluable for iterating over data, such as displaying items in a shopping cart or listing blog posts.

Blade's directives also significantly reduce the complexity of PHP functions like loops, conditional statements, and more, making your code cleaner and more maintainable.

Enhancing Security with Blade's Built-In Features

Security is a top priority in web development, and Blade steps up to the plate with features like the @csrf directive. This directive generates a unique token for forms, ensuring submissions originate from your website and providing a layer of protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Beyond the common GET and POST methods, Laravel and Blade support additional HTTP methods such as PUT, PATCH, and DELETE, which can be easily implemented through Blade's form directives, bolstering the security and functionality of your web applications.

Tailoring JavaScript Integration with Blade

Blade plays nicely with JavaScript frameworks, allowing you to integrate with tools like Alpine.js seamlessly. You can also use Blade's JSON rendering capabilities to initialize JavaScript variables safely.

Blade excels in its adaptability, including how it handles JavaScript. Not every page on a website requires JavaScript, and Blade enables you to specify where and how JavaScript is included in your layout. Whether in the head or body of your master layout, Blade stacks provide a structured way to push JavaScript code only to the pages that need it, optimizing performance and load times.

In our next post, we will explore the benefits of using Blade with Jigsaw for building powerful static sites.

This article is part of the "Which technologies do we use and why?" series where we explain the technologies that we use daily.

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Arlind Musliu

Cofounder and CFO of Lucky Media


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